The Cause

We empower women globally and locally by raising funds for partnering organizations that affirm the dignity of marginalized women and give them the resources to succeed in life.
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Period Stigma Isolates & Harms Women

During their periods, millions of women living in extreme poverty are forced to stay away from their homes and are unable to attend school or go to work. Without access to feminine products and hygiene education, they often silently suffer from painful infections–most of which are preventable.

Women deserve to live free of stigma and thrive in their communities.

That is why we raise funds for HER, an empowerment initiative that gives women around the world the resources they need to live free from stigma, sexual exploitation, and abuse.

Deliver Feminine Products

This gives women in need the ability to care for their bodies and prevent infections and disease. They can also stay in school and go to work.

Provide Hygiene Education

Period education changes how communities treat women. Women are allowed to stay in their homes and have the knowledge to seek medical help when needed.

Provide Vocational Training

And transitional housing for women who are vulnerable to human trafficking so they can learn the skills needed to support themselves in a safe environment.
In addition to raising money for HER, we send a percentage of our funds raised to a local organization committed to empowering women in our local community.
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"We want women to be confident with their own body and have strength to speak up when something wrong is going on—to fight injustice."

Hannah Badi
Founder of Himalayan Entrepreneurial Resources (HER)

“With my family, my job, and everything else going on in life, it’s easy to forget about the grit I have inside myself. Participating in RFH and learning about the women it’s helping has put a fight in me that is still there. It has changed the conversations my husband and I have with our kids, and has changed how our kids look at the world.”

Erin Westbrook

“My biggest fear was not finishing, but the dedicated women in this community helped keep me going. It didn’t matter how fast you finished. No one was getting left behind. It became this sense of community that no matter what this looks like, we’re all in it together. It was amazing to cross that finish line and see my kids there with their hearts in it, too. Seeing how proud they were was just everything to me.”
Tonya Pfeifer
“I’m a bit of a homebody and introverted, so I was nervous to run and train with other women. I kept asking, ‘Am I going to be fast enough? Am I wearing the right gear? Am I going to slow other people down?’ Any time you’re doing things with other people, it takes a certain amount of vulnerability, but knowing that we were all here for this amazing cause, that brought us all together.”
Michaela Anderson